Thursday, November 15, 2007
H2 Chemistry Paper 1 (Fri, 16 Nov 07, 1430-1530)
Date: Friday, 16 Nov 07
Time: 1430 - 1530 (1 h)
Venue: Pls refer to notice boards.
Format: 40 MCQs, answer ALL
1) Keep track of time. Every 10 questions will take you about 15 min (this is only an estimate!). If a particular question is more difficult, it is alright to spend more than 1.5 min on it. There should be some easy question elsewhere to compensate for the extra time used to solve the difficult question.
2) Students usually panic during the last 15 min, so Q31 to 40 tend to be poorly done. Please keep your cool! Your ultimate aim is to answer more questions correctly. Trying to answer everything may not necessarily earn you a high score, especially if you had not spent enough time understanding the question.
3) Some questions may not specifically ask you to use the Data Booklet. However, it may be helpful to use the Data Booklet if you get stuck at a particular question.
Monday, November 12, 2007
2007 AJC Prelims Paper 1 FAQs
Amt of Cl2 molecules in 1 dm3 of air at max toleration level
= (0.005 / 10^3) g / (2 x 35.5) g/mol
Amt of Cl2 molecules in 500 cm3 (which is 0.5 dm3) of air at max toleration level
= (0.005 / 10^3) g / (2 x 35.5) g/mol x 0.5
Amt of Cl atoms in 500 cm3 of air at max toleration level
= (0.005 / 10^3) g / (2 x 35.5) g/mol x 0.5 x 2 (because 1 Cl2 molecule has 2 Cl atoms)
No. of Cl atoms in 500 cm3 of air at max toleration level
= (0.005 / 1000) x (1/71) x 6 x 10^23
Explanation for Q3
For He, n(He) = (p1V1)/RT = (2 kPa x 1 dm3)/RT
For Ne, n(Ne) = (p2V2)/RT = (1 kPa x 2 dm3)/RT
Let new total pressure be p (in kPa).
p(1 dm3 + 2 dm3) = [n(He) + n(Ne)]RT
p(3 dm3) = [2 kPa dm3 + 2 kPa dm3]/RT x RT
p = 4/3 kPa
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
H2 Chemistry Paper 2 (Tue, 13 Nov 07, 0800 - 0930)
Date: 13 Nov 07 (Tue)
Time: 0800 h - 0930 (Duration: 1.5 h)
Venue: Please refer to notice boards.
Format: Structured questions (60 marks), answer ALL
(i) Do NOT write anything on the Data Booklet.
Some students scribbled on the Formula List, in PEN, during the Math papers. Very irresponsible!
I hope that no one has scribbled on the Data Booklet during Chemistry Paper 3. If any of your fellow school mates were to be caught using a Data Booklet with scribbles during Chemistry Paper 2 (i.e. the upcoming paper), he/she will be deemed to have cheated. Whoever wrote on the Data Booklet will be guilty of sabotaging your school mate!
For goodness sake, do NOT write anything on the Data Booklet, not even if you use a pencil!
Please check your Data Booklet CAREFULLY before the start of the paper. Ensure there is no scribble.
(ii) Bring your EZ-link card AND entry proof.
Your EZ-link card or IC has a photo of you. Your index number is found on the entry proof. Both documents are required for identification. (Please do not bring the confirmation slip! It does not have the index number!)
(iii) Check your exam schedule (which is printed on the entry proof).
Sleep early and wake up early. Several students were late for their papers. This is YOUR exam. Be responsible!
(iv) Give yourself EXTRA travelling time, especially on rainy days.
Traffic jams are very common during morning peak hours. The situation worsens on rainy days. Do come to school early.
(v) (Try to) Answer Nature's call before entering the exam hall.
Some students sacrifice precious time (which could be utilised for answering questions) to visit the washroom. For every 1.5 min you stay in the washroom, you are flushing away 1 mark! In addition, you will have to wait for your turn if someone else is already in the washroom. If the call is very urgent, you will get distracted easily and your performance will be affected. Why penalise yourself?
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Chemistry Paper 3 (Mon, 5 Nov 07, 8-10am)
Chemistry Paper 3
Date: 5 Nov 07, Mon
Time: 0800 - 1000
Venue: Refer to notice boards
Format of Paper: Free Response, answer 4 out of 5 questions (80 marks)
Items to Bring:
- Entry Proof (Not confirmation slip! Duh!)
- EZ Link card
- Graphic / Scientific calculator (optional: extra batteries)
- Stationery (including curve rule)
Data Booklet will be provided by examiners. DO NOT scribble anything on the booklet.
Some Advice:
- Do invest 2 to 5 min to read through the whole paper and decide which question you want to answer first.
- Plan your answer. Save time by not writing excessively or in a haphazard manner.
- Start each question on a fresh sheet of paper. No correction tape or fluid.
- Circle the question you have answered and enter the question number on the cover page (if applicable).
- Spend about 1.5 min for every 1 mark given.
Have confidence in yourselves. All the best!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
2007 NJC Prelims Paper 3 FAQs
2 mol of OH- reacts with 1 mol of A to give a white ppt B. The thermal decomposition of B yields a white ppt C. Thus M is likely to be a Group II element.
NOTE: If M = Zn, you will also get similar observations (except that the mass of B formed is NOT 0.0215 g).
Explanation for Q3b(i)
The pH of the solution is 2.5, so [H+] = 10^(-2.5) mol/dm3.
The initial concentration of CrO42- is 1.00 x 10^(-3) mol/dm3.
2 mol of CrO42- react with 2 mol of H+ to form 1 mol of Cr2O72-.
Thus, [CrO42-] : [Cr2O72-] = (1.00 x 10^(-3) - 2y) : y = 200 : 1
[Cr2O72-] = y = 4.98 x 10^(-6) mol/dm3
[CrO42-] = 1.00 x 10^(-3) - 2[4.98 x 10^(-6)] = 9.90 x 10^(-4) mol/dm3
[H+] = 10^(-2.5) - 2[4.98 x 10^(-6)] = 3.15 x 10^(-3) mol/dm3
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
2007 VJC Prelims Paper 2 FAQs
The temperature at which Rb melts is 39.5 deg C or (273 + 39.5) K. This is the temperature at which an eqm is established between Rb(s) and Rb(l). When the two species are at eqm, delta G of fusion is zero. delta G = delta H - T x delta S. Hence, delta H = T x delta S.
Use delta H from the table and substitute T = 273 + 39.5 to find delta S.
When delta G is +ve (T < g =" 0" t =" 39.5"> 39.5 deg C), melting of Rb takes place spontaneously.
A Note for Q3
The question told you that Ni(OH)2 and Cd(OH)2 are formed during discharge (i.e. when the cell behaves as a voltaic cell). Thus, electrode Y (Cd electrode) must be corroded to form Cd(OH)2 and since Cd is oxidised, electrode Y is the anode.
When the battery is being recharged, Cd(OH)2 must change back to Cd. Hence, Cd2+ is reduced at electrode Y. The cell has become an electrolytic cell! When all Cd(OH)2 has changed back to Cd, the electric current will bring about the electrolysis of KOH(aq). In this case, electrode Y will be where H+ ions get reduced.
2007 TJC Prelims Paper 3 FAQs
Fe(III) is stabilised by CN- ligands, so it is less likely to reduce to Fe(II) in aqueous solution.
Another example: [Ni(NH3)6]2+ vs [Ni(H2O)6]2+
2007 PJC Prelims Paper 3 FAQs
"Do I have to memorise the colours of all transition element complexes?"
The answer is NO!
Only for Cr, Mn, Fe and Cu. Examples: Cr3+, CrO42-, Cr2O72-, Mn2+, MnO2, MnO4-, Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+, [Cu(NH3)4]2+.
Explanation for Q5b
NaX + H2SO4 --> NaHSO4 + HX, X = Cl, Br or I
This is NOT a redox reaction!!!
SO42- does not oxidise Cl- to Cl2.
SO42- + 4H+ + 2e- <--> SO2 + 2H2O, E = +0.17V
Cl2 + 2e- <--> 2Cl-, E = +1.36V
Ecell = +0.17 - (+1.36) = -1.19V (< 0)
SO42- oxidises HBr to Br2,
eqn: 2HBr + H2SO4 --> Br2 + SO2 + 2H2O
SO42- oxidises HI to I2,
eqn: 2HI + H2SO4 --> I2 + SO2 + 2H2O or 8HI + H2SO4 --> 4I2 + H2S +4H2O
SO2 has an irritating (or pungent) smell while H2S smells like rotten eggs.
2007 HCI Prelims Paper 3 FAQs
CrCl3.6H2O is the general formula for a series of complexes formed.
The complexes can be [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3, [Cr(H2O)5(Cl)]Cl2 . H2O, etc.
Ag+ ions can only precipitate AgCl with the Cl- ions that are NOT bonded to Cr(III).
Explanation for Q5a(i)
Imagine that you have a "half-cell" containing Fe2+ ions (in acidic medium) initially. This is connected to a standard hydrogen electrode via a salt bridge. Now, add Cr2O72- dropwise to Fe2+ so that Fe3+ is formed. Cr2O72- added before equivalence point will change to Cr3+; there is no excess of Cr2O72-. The mixture contains Fe2+ and Fe3+. At X, [Fe2+] = [Fe3+], so we can ESTIMATE the E value to be +0.77 V using "Fe3+ + e- <--> Fe2+, E = +0.77V". After equivalence point (at 16.5 cm3), there is no more Fe2+ (all oxidised to Fe3+). When excess Cr2O72- is added into the mixture, there will be Cr3+ and Cr2O72-. At Y, [Cr3+] = [Cr2O72-], so we can ESTIMATE the E value to be +1.33 V using "Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e- <--> 2Cr3+ + 7H2O, E = +1.33V".
Do note that all concentrations (inclusive of H+) must be 1 mol/dm3 to measure the suggested E values at X and Y.
2007 ACJC Prelims Paper 3 FAQs
Hot alkaline aqueous iodine (i.e. I2(aq), Na(OH)(aq), heat) will not distinguish the compounds because there is neither methyl ketone nor RCH(OH)CH3 after alkaline hydrolysis.
Explanation for Q2a(i)
M3+ + 3e- <--> M, E= x V
A more positive x means that the reduction of M3+ to M is more feasible. It also implies that M3+ oxidises other substances more readily (while M3+ itself is reduced).
Explanation for Q3b(ii)
Relative oxidising power of halogens can be compared using:
(1) E values of X2/X-, e.g. E of F2/F- is more +ve than Cl2/Cl-, so F2 is more oxidising than Cl2
(2) delta H of "X2 + 2e- --> 2X-", e.g. delta H is more negative for X = Cl than X = Br, so the reduction of X2 to X- is more energetically feasible for X = Cl, i.e. Cl2 oxidises other substances more readily because Cl2 is reduced more readily
(3) displacement, e.g. Cl2 displaces Br-(aq) from solution
(4) oxidation state of product formed, e.g. Cl2 oxidises S2O32- to SO42- but I2 oxidises S2O32- to S4O62-
2007 NJC Prelims Paper 2 FAQs
Total pressure = Partial pressure of O2 + Partial pressure of H2O
Partial pressure of O2 = 101 kPa - 42.3 kPa = 58.7 kPa
Let n be no. of mol of O2 collected in jar.
(58.7 x 10^3)(87 x 10^-6) = n(8.31)(30+273)
n = 2.03 x 10^-3
Explanation for 3b(ii)
In 3b(i), you found amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the calorimeter by 1 degree Celsius.
In 3b(ii), temperature rise = 2 degree Celsius. Find amount of heat evolved. That is for 0.5 g of aspirin burnt. How much heat is evolved if 1 mol of aspirin is burnt?
Explanation for 5c(ii)
0.12 mol of Cl2 take part in both reactions (1) and (2). Let x mol of Cl2 react in (1) and 0.12-x mol of Cl2 react in (2). Solve for x and hence evaluate 0.12-x.
2007 MJC Prelims Paper 2 FAQs
Electron to be removed from K+ is from 3p orbital whereas electron to be removed from the other elements shown is from 4s orbital, which is of higher energy. Hence, K+ has highest 2nd IE.
Explanation for 3d(iv) no. 2
A is unlikely to be HOOC-C(triple bond)C-COOH.
Too difficult to dehydrate (HOOC)CH=C(OH)(COOH). (NOT in syllabus)
Explanation for 4e
K = [butylparaben (organic)] / [butylparaben (aq)] = 1 x 10^3
Partition coefficient is referring to the equilibrium constant, K.
Explanation for 5e
Each "building block" of the protein contains 6 amino acids, which must be linked by 6 amide groups (5 in between + "1/2" at each end).
Hence, 6 molecules of H2O are lost to form one "building block".
Thus, Mr of each "building block" is 2 x 75 + 146 + 3 x 105 - 6(18) = 503.
Each amino acid has one side chain, which is the "residue".
2007 HCI Prelims Paper 2 FAQs
Hydromagnesite decomposes to give MgO, CO2 and H2O. MgO dissolves in excess HCl(aq) to give MgCl2 and H2O. Excess HCl(aq) added is neutralised using NaOH(aq).
Explanation for Q3a(iii)
The buffer in blood has a large reservoir of H2CO3 (weak acid) and HCO3- (conjugate base of weak acid).
When H+ is added, HCO3- reacts with all the excess H+ and converts them to H2CO3.
Thus, your task is to find the amounts of H2CO3 and HCO3- before and after the reaction. Then use pH = pKa + lg{[HCO3-]/[H2CO3]}. Note that [HCO3-] = 20[H2CO3] from 3a(ii).
Explanation for Q4b(iii)
A colourless complex is formed. [Ag(S2O3)2]3-.
Note: Ag+ also forms colourless [Ag(CN)2]- complex in excess CN-.
Explanation for Q5d(i)
When [phospholipid] is high, the rate is constant because there are not enough enzyme molecules to make the reaction go faster (enzyme = catalyst, i.e. small amt used).
Explanation for Q6a
HCOOH and (COOH)2 are easily oxidised to CO2 by strong oxidising agents.
Explanation for Q6d(i)
CH3O-Na+ is a strong base. CH3O- is like the HO- (hydroxide) ion. Thus, one of the products of the acid-base reaction is methanol, CH3O--H (HO--H if hydroxide is used).
Explanation for Q6d(ii)
RCOO- is charged and is nucleophilic. CH3I has a slightly electron deficient C atom, so CH3I will undergo (SN2) nucleophilic substitution.
2007 VJC Prelims Paper 1 FAQs
ClO2- is bent, i.e. O=Cl--O-, where Cl has 10 e- around it (inclusive of 2 lone pairs) and O bears the negative charge. Bond angle of ClO2- is similar to that of H2O. About 105 degrees.
Explanation for Q32
Fix T. Then draw a vertical line upwards to cut both curves and extrapolate horizontally to get values for fraction of X. At a fixed T, more X is present when pressure is lower (2 x 10^7 Pa). By LCP, X must be on the side of the equation with more gas molecules.
The shapes of the curves tell us that when T increases, more X is present. By LCP, an increase in temperature favours an endothermic reaction. Thus, X must be the product of an endothermic reaction.
Explanation for Q37
Ethene must attack Br2 first to give a carbocation intermediate. After that, Cl-, H2O and Br- (from the original Br2) can attack the carbocation. Hence, the products must have Br in them.
2007 PJC Prelims Paper 1 FAQs
Electronegativity: Na < Mg < Al << O
Difference in electronegativity of elements in oxides: Na2O > MgO > Al2O3 (i.e. third statement is TRUE)
Answer is A.
2007 NJC Prelims Paper 1 FAQs
p x 1.01 x 10^5 x V x 10^-6 = (m/M)RT
p x 1.01 x 10^-1 = (m/V)(RT/M)
density = m/V = 0.101pM/(8.31T) = 273pM/22400T
Explanation for Q8
An acid dissociation reaction is shown. It is a heterogeneous eqm where H2O is a solvent (i.e. in great excess), so [H2O] is NOT in Ka expression. Ka = ([H3O+][S2-])/[H2S].
NH4+ + H2O <--> NH3 + OH- and OH- reacts with H3O+ of the eqm.
CO32- also reacts with H3O+.
PbS is precipitated as a black solid, so [S2-] decreases.
Adding more water DOES result in greater dissociation of H2S. Ka has to be remain constant at the same temperature! When you add more water, more H2S must dissociate to keep Ka constant. HOWEVER, we can assume that changes in concentrations of H3O+, S2- and H2S are so small that they are negligible. So, A is the most suitable answer.
You can also say that there is NO ANSWER.
Explanation for Q10
Suppose 1 mol of e- passes through the solutions. 1/m mol of X and 1/n mol of Y are formed.
Let M be molar mass of X and 3M be molar mass of Y (since Mr(X) : Mr(Y) = 1 : 3).
Mass of X formed : Mass of Y formed = (1/m x M) : (1/n x 3M) = 1 : 2
(1/m) / (1/n) = (1/2) x (M/3M)
n/m = 3/2
Thus, n = (3/2)m
A Note for Q13
Solubility of Group II hydroxides and oxides increases down Group II.
Solubility of Group II sulphates decreases down Group II.
A Note for Q22
The intermediate is a diazo compound (azo = N, so diazo = 2 N atoms). The loss of N2 is favoured because of the strong N-N triple bond formed. Hence, adding I- results in nucleophilic substitution of the diazo compound and the formation of N2.
A Note for Q23
H2, in THIS CASE, reduces the benzene ring and the C=C double bond only. (NB. Not enough information about catalyst or conditions used)
If H2/Pt is used, ALL the functional groups shown will be reduced.
Explanation for Q26
CH3CHBrCH2CH3, when heated in NaOH(aq), gives but-1-ene or but-2-ene.
Trans-but-2-ene is most stable because the two -CH3 groups are further away from each other while the cis-isomer is less stable because the two -CH3 groups experience steric repulsion.
But-1-ene is the least stable isomer and is formed as the minor product (apply Saytzeff's rule).
Combustion is exothermic, so delta H is negative.
Explanation for Q37 (Errata)
HNO3 is NOT an electrophile because all its atoms are NOT electron deficient and have either duplet (i.e. H atom) or octet structures (N and O).
Na+ is NOT electron deficient because it has an octet structure.
Answer is D.
2007 HCI Prelims Paper 1 FAQs
Explanation for Q12
O2 (i.e. gas K) is formed at anode.
4OH- --> O2 + 4H+ + 4e-
For 1 mol of O2 formed, 4 mol of e- are released.
These e- must be used to discharge the cations, Jn+.
1 mol of O2 is formed when 2 mol of Jn+ are discharged.
2Jn+ + 4e- --> 2J
Thus, n = 2.
Gas L is Cl2.
2Cl- --> Cl2 + 2e-
Note that the same quantity of electricity is used, i.e. 4 mol of e- must be involved.
Hence, the equation becomes 4Cl- --> 2Cl2 + 4e-.
Thus, ratio of J:K:L = ratio of O2:J:Cl2 = 2:1:2.
Explanation for Q14
[Br-] = [Cl-] = [I-] = [SO42-] = 1 x 10^-3 mol dm-3
Use the concentrations and the Ksp of the lead(II) compounds to find out the concentrations of lead(II) ions required for precipitation.
Explanation for Q15
[Ba(OH)2] = [HCl] = 1 mol/dm3
1 mol of Ba(OH)2 reacts with 2 mol of HCl.
20 cm3 of Ba(OH)2 is used. Thus, 40 cm3 of HCl is needed to reach equivalence point. No such titration curve is given.
Explanation for Q21
The "OH" group at the bottom can only give the cis-alkene after dehydration.
The "OH" on top lead to 2 possibilities. If the double bond forms at the carbon of the cyclohexyl ring, there are 2 isomers, i.e. cis and trans. If the double bond forms between carbon-2 and carbon-3 of the side chain (carbon-1 is bonded to Cl), then there is a chiral centre (carbon-4, counting from carbon-1 bonded to Cl). Hence, there are 2 optical isomers and each optical isomer can have cis or trans configuration at the double bond. Total of 4 isomers.
Hence, grand total = 2 + 4 = 6 isomers.
A Note for Q37
The concentrations of SO2, O2 and SO3 at equilibrium are 0.08, 0.04 and 0.02 (in mol/dm3) respectively. Kc = [SO3]2/{[SO2]2 x [O2]}.
Acidity of Organic Compounds
"Does ethanol neutralise aqueous sodium hydroxide?"
The answers are: NO!
Acidity decreases in the order: carboxylic acid > phenol > water (it's not acidic!) > alcohol.
"What is the product formed when CH3CHBrCH2CH2COOH is heated with NaOH dissolved in ethanol?"
The product is CH3CH=CHCH2COO-Na+. To get the carboxylic acid, you need to add H2SO4(aq).
Ethanolic NaOH favours elimination while NaOH(aq) favours nucleophilic substitution. That's why ethanolic NaOH is used in the elimination of HBr to form an alkene.
Do note that ethanolic NaOH still contains some water. Elimination of HBr requires OH- ions. In pure ethanol, NaOH does not ionise. Hence, the OH- ions will neutralise the acidic -COOH group.
"Will there be an acid-base reaction between NaOH and HCl in CCl4?"
NO. For NaOH to neutralise HCl, there must be H+ and OH- ions. However, NaOH and HCl do not ionise in CCl4.
NOTE: NaOH is insoluble in CCl4. Thus, the question is actually invalid.
A Level Chemistry Paper (Nov 2006 / Jun 2007)
Nov 2006 Paper 1 (MCQ)
Q4 Answer is A.
Q8 Answer is A.
Q32 Answer is A.
In addition, please take note of the following.
Nov 2006 Paper 1
Q33 Option 3 reads "The enthalpy change of combustion of diamond is greater than that of graphite". The word "greater" is used to describe the magnitude of the enthalpy change.
Nov 2006 Paper 3
Q1a(ii) When NaBr(aq) is electrolysed using inert electrodes, H2 is evolved at the cathode while Br2 (not O2) is evolved at the anode. (See explanation below)
CASE 1: Consider the electrolysis of NaCl(aq).
Cl2 + 2e- <--> 2Cl-, E=+1.36V ---(1)
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- <--> 2H2O, E=+1.23V ---(2)
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- <--> 4OH-, E=+0.40V ---(3)
In NaCl(aq), there is Na+(aq), Cl-(aq) and H2O(l) [or write as "H+(aq) and OH-(aq)"].
At the anode, one of these reactions occur.
From (1), 2Cl- --> Cl2 + 2e-, E=-1.36V
From (2), 2H2O --> O2 + 4H+ + 4e-, E=-1.23V ---(a)
From (3), 4OH- --> O2 + 2H2O + 4e-, E=-0.40V ---(b)
From (a) and (b), the E values tell us that H2O and OH- are more easily oxidised than Cl-. Thus, O2 (and not Cl2) is produced at the anode.
NOTE: Cl2 is produced at the anode if concentrated aqueous NaCl is used.
CASE 2a: Consider the electrolysis of NaBr(aq).
Br2 + 2e- <--> 2Br-, E=+1.07V ---(4)
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- <--> 2H2O, E=+1.23V ---(5)
O2 + 2H2O + 4e- <--> 4OH-, E=+0.40V ---(6)
In NaBr(aq), there is Na+(aq), Br-(aq) and H2O(l).
At the anode, one of these reactions occur.
From (4), 2Br- --> Br2 + 2e-, E=-1.07V
From (5), 2H2O --> O2 + 4H+ + 4e-, E=-1.23V ---(c)
From (6), 4OH- --> O2 + 2H2O + 4e-, E=-0.40V ---(d)
From (c), the E value tells us that Br- is more likely to be oxidised than H2O. Thus, Br2 (and not O2) is produced at the anode.
(d) will give us the wrong conclusion, i.e. O2 is produced at the anode.
Thus, we should use "O2 + 4H+ + 4e- <--> 2H2O, E=+1.23V" whenever we deal with the electrolysis of aqueous metal halides.
O2 + 4H+ + 4e- <--> 2H2O, E=+1.23V OR O2 + 2H2O + 4e- <--> 4OH-, E=+0.40V ?
"O2 + 4H+ + 4e- <--> 2H2O" is used when we discuss the electrolysis of aqueous metal halides, e.g. NaBr(aq), KI(aq). Also applies when the electrolyte is H2SO4(aq).
"O2 + 2H2O + 4e- <--> 4OH-" is NOT used for the electrolysis of metal halides.
In general, we will consider using "O2 + 2H2O + 4e- <--> 4OH-" for the anodic reaction when the electrolyte is an aqueous solution which does NOT contain halide ions, e.g. CuSO4(aq), NaNO3(aq), KOH(aq).
CASE 2b: Consider the electrolysis of NaI(aq).
The answer is: I2 is produced at the anode because I- is more easily oxidised than H2O.
2I- --> I2 + 2e-, E=-0.54V
2H2O --> O2 + 4H+ + 4e-, E=-1.23V
CASE 2c: Consider the electrolysis of NaF(aq).
The answer is: O2 is produced at the anode because H2O is more easily oxidised than F-.
2F- --> F2 + 2e-, E=-2.87V
2H2O --> O2 + 4H+ + 4e-, E=-1.23V
Jun 2007 Paper 4
Q1b examines the electrolysis of molten ZnCl2, concentrated ZnCl2(aq) and dilute ZnCl2(aq).
At cathode:
2H+ + 2e- --> H2, E=0.00V --- (7)
Zn2+ + 2e- --> Zn, E=-0.76 V ---(8)
In the case of molten (or liquid) ZnCl2, there are only Zn2+ and Cl- ions. Thus, Zn is produced at the cathode and Cl2 is produced at the anode.
In the case of concentrated ZnCl2(aq), Cl2 is produced at the anode. From (7) and (8), we conclude that H+ is more easily reduced than Zn2+. Hence, H2 should be formed at the cathode.
In the case of dilute ZnCl2(aq), O2 (and not Cl2) is produced at the anode. H2 is produced at the cathode.
There is no need to panic! The troublemaker seems to be metal chlorides. Hence, just be more careful when you see questions involving the electrolysis of metal chlorides.
Jun 2007 Paper 2 Q3a (Erratum)
The electronic configuration of Sr2+ is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d0.
(The electronic configuration of Sr is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d0 5s2.)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
HCI 07 prelims P1 Q4
using the eqn, nR=p1V1/T1=p2V2/T2, where p1 is 101kPa, V1 is 4000 cm3(thats the volume occupied initailly by argon), T1 is 423K (thats 150 C), p2 is new pressure, V2 is 14090 cm3(the argon expands into all 3 containers) and T2 is 298K
we get p2 = 101(4000)(298)/(423)(14090), => p2 is 20.2 kPa. essentially, this p2 is the new pressure of argon after it has been allowed to expand to all 3 containers, followed by cooling to room temp. We do not consider the other cpds because they no longer exist as gas at the end of the day anyway.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
YJC Paper 2 Q1 d(iii) Answer Key
CaCO3 is insoluble in water, hence the presence of solid CaCO3 would indicate that all excess acid has reacted/been removed.
HCI H3 Prelim Answers
Monday, October 8, 2007
Errata (H2 Chem Specimen Paper Solutions)
Please take note of the errors in the "worked solutions" of H2 Chem Specimen Paper 1 (MCQ).
Q22 The third step of the reaction scheme shows sodium benzoate as the product after alkaline hydrolysis. That is incorrect. The product should be C6H5CH2COO-Na+.
Q27 There are five (NOT four) -OH groups in a molecule of glucose.
Thanks to Natalie for pointing out the errors.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
H3 Prelim Papers from Other JCs
We really need you to exercise true Rafflesian preserving the original copy as it is!!
There will be NO mock paper for H3, as the revision time table is already very tight. Implement the exam conditions on your own, OK?
All the best and take care...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
H2 Chemistry ACJC, TJC Suggested Solutions
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
H2 Chem Revision Lectures / Mock Papers
8 Oct 07 (Mon), 0755 - 0945, LT1 and LT3
H2 Specimen Paper debrief
22 Oct 07 (Mon), 1330 - 1515, LT1 and LT3
2007 June Paper debrief + Mock Paper 1 (MCQ)
24 Oct 07 (Wed)
Session 1 (A-D graders): 1045 - 1330, LT1
Session 2 (ESU graders): 1235 - 1545, LT2
Mock Paper 2
25 Oct 07 (Thu), 1330 - 1630, LT1 and LT5
Mock Paper 3
H2 Chem Revision Tutorials
Dates: 11 Oct 07 (Thu), 16 Oct 07 (Tue)
Time: 0755 - 0945
A43 - Ms Chua LC
A44 - Mrs Chung AL
A45 - Mr Eric Gwee
A46 - Ms Jolene Tan
A47 - Ms Lee LS
A48 - Mrs Poh SJ (aka Mdm Lee)
B41 - Mrs Olivia Ang
B42 - Mr Paul Cheong
B43 - Ms Soh XF
B44 - Ms Tang LL
B45 - Mr Tham ZS
B46 - Dr Wong PL
B47 - Mr Wong TY
Friday, September 28, 2007
Prelims Debrief
For those who have yet to achieve your desired grades, please don't give up. As Thomas Edison once said, many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Work steadily towards your goal and every little thing you do counts.
Make sure that the time u are spending is productive, and get rid off all distractions that could be in your way.
"Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat your own record from day to day, and you are a success". - William J.H. Boetcker
All the best!
Just to share the results:
Top Classes
1. 07S03R
2. 07S06I
3. 07S03I
4. 07S03A
5. 07S06R
6. 07S06E
7. 07S06F
8. 07S06P
9. 07S06G
10. 07S06K
11. 07S06L
12. 07S03H
13. 07S03P
13. 07S03J
15. 07S06A
16. 07S03F
17. 07S03K
18. 07S06J
19. 07S03G
19. 07S06H
Best Improved Classes
1. 07S06G
2. 07S06M
3. 07S06P
4. 07S03M
5. 07S06A
6. 07S06E
7. 07S03L
8. 07S06F
9. 07S06H
10. 07S06D
11. 07S03S
12. 07S06Q
13. 07S07B
14. 07S06K
15. 07S06O
16. 07S03I
17. 07S06S
18. 07S03G
18. 07S03N
20. 07S06I
Top 20 Students
07S03J LIM SHIN BIN*****
07S03R TAN SHI MIN****
07S06A WU MENGFEI*****
Best improved students
Thursday, September 13, 2007
TIPS for Exams
Data Booklet will be provided by the examiners.
Have plenty of rest before the paper. Don't burn midnight oil. It'll likely do more harm than good.
Arrive early and check if you have gone to the correct venue. Refer to the seating plan before you enter the examination hall.
Read ALL questions before you begin answering. Start with the easiest question.
Lastly, best of luck to all of you!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
TIME: 9-12nn
All the best with your revision!
Chemistry Mock Prelims
Date: 6 September 2007 (Thu)
Time: 9 am to 12 noon
Venue: LT1
Please bring along your stationery (including writing paper), calculator and Data Booklet.
Do come prepared :D
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Errata for Inorganic MCQ Quiz Q12
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Erratum: Physical Chemistry MCQ Practice 2
Please note that the answer for Q12 of Practice 2 is B, not C.
The explanation given in the suggested solutions is correct.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Chemistry Lecture Test 7B (Thu, 23/8)
Topic: Organic Nitrogen Compounds (Biochem component)
Chemistry Remedial Test (Fri, 24/8)
Topic: Organic Chemistry
Time: 3.15 pm
Venues: LT3 for SO3 + SO7 and LT6 for SO6
H3 Chemistry
Please print the suggested solutions on your own at the photocopying shop.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Just a small note to the answer for H3 tutorial qns on NMR
The answer is, it depends.
1) if the two groups on the other carbon are not the same, then the two protons are non equivalent. eg CH3CH=CH2. the two protons on CH2 are not equivalent
2) if the two grops on the other carbon are the same, then there is symmetry and the two protons are equivalent.
eg. (CH3)2C=CH2.
this is the case for one of the tutorial qns
3) sometimes the NMR spectrometer has a poor resolution and cannot differentiate the slight difference in the two protons in the =CH2 group. This is the case for some of the spectra you get to read!
so lets say for CH3CH=CH2, if you were to asked predict, you should predict 4 signals. a doublet of intensity 3 from CH3, a multiplet of intensity 1 from the CH, and another 2 doublets each of intensity 1 from the two CH2 protons(ie one doublet from each proton)
but when you read from the spectrum, you may possibly get the two CH2 protons giving the same signal, ie a doublet with intensity 2. so thats a total of only 3 signals.
you get the drift right?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Term 3 Week 8
Just wanna remind u about Inorganic Chemistry lecture on Tuesday. You should complete your Inorganic Chemistry worksheet prior to the session!
On Thursday we will have an Inorganic Chemistry lecture test. Do prepare well for it!:)
S&U students will be taking the Equilibria Remedial test on Friday. It will be at 3.15pm, LT3 for S03s, LT6 for SO6!
Happy National Day!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Naming Transition Metal Complexes + Errata in Physical Chem Revision Part 2
(a) hexaaquanitrosyliron(II) ion; tris(ethane-1,2-diamine)cobalt(III) ion; tetraamminecopper(II) chloride (this is a salt); tetracarbonylnickel(0); tetrachlorocuprate(I) ion; hexacyanoferrate(III) ion
(b) [Co(NH3)5(NO2)]Cl2; K3[Fe(CN)5(NO)]; [Pt(NH3)4][PtCl4]
Errata in Physical Chemistry Revision Part 2:
For Q1, please note that the labels for the graphs are missing. For the first portion, the curve on top is for chlorine while the one in the middle is for sulphur dioxide. At the end of the reaction, the curve on top is for sulphur dioxide and the one in the middle is for chlorine. The one at the bottom is for the product.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
H3 consultation schedule
That means to say, if you havnt been rostered for tomorrow, you don't have a session on. You will eventually get your chance though.
More details to be posted here. But if you have been rostered, please come prepared to ask questions and let us know your questions in advance.
Friday, July 20, 2007
How Should I Study?
Every person adopts a different way of studying. Some people like to study in a group while others prefer to study alone. Some may go to the library while others stay in the comfort of their home. Some may like to sit in an armchair while others may want to lie on the bed. Some may choose to study in the daytime while others burn the midnight oil.
So how SHOULD you study?
1) Get offline! If you are reading this, you are not studying! Okay... maybe you could spare a few minutes reading what I have to offer.
2) Find YOUR purpose. Do you study because you have to? Or do you study because you want to? If the driving force for you to study is to stop people breathing down your neck and to end all those lengthy sessions of nagging, you are unlikely to achieve much. Study because your future depends on it. Study because it is YOUR choice.
3) Study only when you are energised. Pretty obvious? It seems that many students prefer to slog it out at night when they are likely to be exhausted after a day of lectures, tutorials, CCA training or practices, social gatherings and other miscellaneous appointments. For goodness sake, have a decent nap before you study. You concentrate better after your body rejuvenates.
4) Do it consistently. Make it a part of your daily life. Easy to say, but hard to do? Often times, students pack their schedules with too many activities, leaving little time for rest and revision. That is probably due to poor time management (if there's any in the first place).
(i) Recognise that you are PROCRASTINATING. You know better than anyone else.
(ii) Start PRIORITISING. Rank each task in order of importance (READ: deadlines!).
(iii) Take PROMPT action. Actions speak louder than words.
5) Find a comfortable place. Be at ease. Cafes and fastfood restaurants aren't exactly conducive environment for studying.
6) Have a FLEXIBLE schedule, especially if you are a person who does not like to be restricted. Planning ahead gives you some idea of how much you have to study and how much time you have at hand.
7) Practice makes PERMANENT. That's what my secondary school English teacher told me. Some things have to learnt by rote, e.g. cycling. No amount of theory is going to teach you how to ride a bicycle without falling. You have to keep practising.
8) Condition your body. Let your mind and body get used to the exam stress. Do your revision papers under time constraints. Make sure you know your work before you try the questions. Don't refer to the answers halfway through the practice. Otherwise, it's just another wasted attempt.
9) Ask if you are in doubt. Don't pretend that the answers will appear in your dreams and you will miraculously be able to understand all the concepts when you wake up. If that's what you are thinking right now, dream on! No, WAKE UP!
10) Give yourself and others some encouragement. Write notes to encourage your friends and get them to motivate you in return. Reward yourself with a break after every hour or two.
Now, share what you have read. It might just help some of your friends. No harm sharing (I don't mean MP3 files!).
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Errata in H3 chem spectroscopy tutorial answers
referring to part 2 question 7.
The answer should be: Nitrogen has an odd valency and form 3 bonds. Hence a molecule containing an odd number of nitrogen atoms will have an odd number of hydrogen atoms. Since C, O, N have an even mass number but H has an odd mass number, an odd number of hydrogen atoms will make the total Mr an odd number, giving an odd-numbered M+ peak.
The 3Ps to success
1) Perserverance - Perhaps you did not score a good grade in this common test, but this does not mean that you will not see your As at the end of the day. I had an ex-student telling me that the first time he ever passed his Chemistry (or scored his A) was the A level examinations. Nothing is absolute and nothing is impossible. So keep on keeping on! Don't give up yet! There's still time to make a significant improvement.
2) Preparation - Some suggestions - you do not need to follow exactly. (1) Pace your revision according to our revision schedule. (2) You may want to read through your notes first and then try the ten-year-series questions to test your concepts on the topic and then move on to try the harder revision package questions. (It may be a little time consuming but guess you may need to work harder than others.)
3) Press in - Of all the Ps, I like this one the best. It is actively going all out for what you desire to achieve. Press in to your chem tutors and see them regularly for consultation. Ask them to look through your answers and to give you feedback. Don't be afraid to ask questions and to clarify your doubts. Students who come back regularly for consultation often start asking more thinking questions after a while, which shows that they are really thinking deeper into the topic. We all need a mentor or coach to guide the way and to show the way. So what are you waiting for now? Book a consultation slot with your tutors today!
tag board deleted
IP addresses of the transgressors and times :
11 Jul 07 13:42
10 Jul 07 22:45
10 Jul 07 22:37
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Errata on H3 resource book
SHOULD BE: Thus the Z isomer of diethylstilbesterol, a synthetic oestrogen, is only one-fifteenth as active as the E isomer.
H3 Chem Spectroscopy Tutorial Answers
In addition for Part 2 Question 4(the UV question) you need to plot the curve accurately and becareful of unit conversions and scaling factors for original sample against diluted standard aliquots. I've only given the numerical answer though.
Students wonder whats important about NMR; the following are key things, 1) Intepretation of NMR spectra - this is the most important and requires practice. 2) theories behind deshielding effects, anisotropy, electron withdrawing effect. 3) behaviour of labile protons with D2O and with CDCl3, i.e, in protic versus aprotic deuterated solvents.
cheers and all the best.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
CT2 results
Well done and congratulations to the following:
Top 10 classes
1. 07S03R
2. 07S03A
3. 07S06R
4. 07S06I
5. 07S03F
6. 07S03I
7. 07S06L
8. 07S03H
9. 07S03P
10. 07S03K
Top 10 improved classes
1. 07S03E
2. 07S06R
3. 07S03N
4. 07S06H
5. 07S06B
6. 07S06C
7. 07S03P
8. 07S03D
9. 07S03K
10. 07S06S
Top 3% scorers
Most improved students
Monday, June 25, 2007

So out of curiosity, I actually read the ingredients list (anyone here ever read the ingredients list on product packages and is able to make sense of it? heh that's what chemistry can do for you...)
So here's the list: Water, Myristic Acid, Propylene GLycol, Lauric Acid, Potassium hydroxide, Lauramine Oxide, Steareth-11, Acrylates Copolymer, Fragrance, Orange Peel Oil, Algae Extract, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Polystyrene, Tetrasodium EDTA, Bentonite.
Heh I can set a whole chemistry paper just from this ingredients list(does it look "100% plant extract"?), but I'd like to ask you a question:
What do you think the tetrasodium EDTA is for?
clue: this question can be answered by some concepts you will learn from your next(after next) topic, transition elements.
cheers :)
p.s. and (please), never believe in hoax chain mails about cancer causing "SLS" in toiletry products blindly; go study your chemistry first!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
This is a new blog specially set up by rjc's chem dept for you. It'll be a great way to facilitate communications, for example, to make announcements (students keep bugging us for details of announcements already made in lectures and on notice boards >< ) , and FAQs etc.
I'll get around to doing up the relevant sections like a tag-board and a counter.. that'll be up soon... firstly we gotta get CT2 out of the way :)